The Barabar Hill caves have significantly great importance. The Barabar and Nagarjuni Hill Caves  are dated back to  third century BCE. Belonging to Maurya Period, these caves were dedicated to Ajivikas which is one of the lost sect today. The Barabar hill contains four caves namely; Sudama, Vishwamitra/ Vishwakarma, Karn Chaupar, and Lomash Rishi caves. On the other hand, three caves are located in the Nagarjuni hill in the name of Gopika, Vadathika, and Vapiyaka caves. 

Three out of four caves of barabar hill bear dedicatory inscription by 3rd mauryan emperor Asoka. Similarly, all three caves of nagarjuni range hold dedicatory inscription by the grandson of Asoka, named Dasaratha. The caves at both the hills were constructed , carved into rocks which was unusual and first of its kind. Most of them are carved entirelyout of granite, with a highly polished internal surface. The lustrous inner surfaces actually are mirror-like in their effect indicating advance mauryan polish.

Inscription by Anantvarman above the entrance of Lomas Risi Cave

Karna Chaupar Cave at the Barabar Hill